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BIA Research & Innovation
What is BIA

When an electrical current is sent through your body, components such as body water, fat, muscle, and bone present varying levels of resistance. Body water is highly conductive and makes up a significant percentage of your body. Therefore, the greater the amount of body water, the less resistance there is. For example, your muscles contain a high percentage of water, resulting in less resistance. Body fat, on the other hand, contains very little water and presents much higher resistance compared to muscle mass or body water.
To better illustrate this concept, imagine the flow of cars in traffic. The cars on the highway represent the current, and the number of lanes on the highway represents the amount of water in the body. A highway with more lanes allows for the cars to go faster, resembling the case where there is more water or muscle mass, and the current can flow more easily. If we close several lanes in the highway (or have less water), the same number of cars will take longer to move through the highway (higher resistance). The difference in the resistance to the electrical current between water, muscle, and fat cells is known as reactance. fat cells is known as reactance.  
ln addition to the resistance described above, the human body presents another type of resistance, called reactance.
The body is composed of trillions of cells, each of which is protected by a cell membrane that separates the inside of the cell (intracellular) from the outside (extracellular) environment.  
Impedance : The combination of resistance and reactance
Impedance is the vector sum of resistance and reactance. It is what BIA devices uses to determine your body composition and is measured in ohms (Ω).
BIA defines the human body as a cylinder and uses two mathematical concepts to describe the relationship between impedance and body water : Volume of a cylinder (Volume = Length x Area)
Characteristic of impedance: Impedance is inversely proportional to cross-sectional area and directly proportional to the length of the cylinder (impedance = a*length/area +b)
Using the impedance and length of the cylinder (or height of the individual), BIA can determine the volume of total body water. From there, body composition is determined, including muscle mass and body fat percentage.